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Gene-edited Cell Line Development

Whether your end outcome is a reporter line for research purposes, mutation-corrected models for drug screening, or functional assessment of gene knock-in/out, our expertise can help you to design a suitable tool to meet your research goals.
Reporter Lines

Multiple options for the generation of reporter lines to investigate your marker of interest in hESC or iPSC​
For proof of principle studies, MEL-2 Chassis line to permit quick insertion of your marker of interest into the AAVS1 safe harbour locus
Mutation Correction

Gene insertion and deletion, and mutation-correction in hiPSC lines using CRISPR-CAS9 for disease modeling
Reporter Lines

Get a reporter hESC line quickly using RMCE (Recombinase Mediated Cassette Exchange) in MEL-2 Chassis hESC line. Or generate CRISPR/CAS9-mediated hESC/hiPSC reporter cell line of your interest.
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